PLS Journal
PLS Journal (ISSN 0032-3802)
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego (PLS Journal) is published by Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawcze (Polish Linguistic Society). It has been issued, with a few exceptions, once a year and it has grown considerably over the years. The Journal features post-PTJ conference papers as well as other articles.
The ethics statements for our journal are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. For all parties involved in the act of publishing (the journal editor(s), the author, the peer reviewer and the publisher) should become familiar with the standards of ethical behavior presented on website
The article reviewing procedure meets the standards set by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. After formal evaluation by the Editorial Board, submissions for the Journal are blind reviewed by two independent reviewers who hold at least a Dr. habil. academic degree. The reviewers cannot be members of the Editorial Board or members of Faculty at the institution which is the author’s affiliation (Information for reviewers). An article submitted for publication is assigned an editorial number used for the article identification at the subsequent stages of the editing and publishing process. The author is informed about the outcome of the reviewing process via e-mail.
In agreement with standards set for academic journals by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the PLS Journal Editorial Board has decided to introduce a procedure directed against „ghostwriting” and „guest authorship”. Therefore authors are requested to provide (in a footnote) the following:
1. names and affiliation of people who have contributed to the writing of the article or who are authors of the concepts/methods presented/used in the article; their contribution should be specified in percentage or descriptively,
2. financial disclosure: information about the source(s) of funding of the scientific research and publication (educational and research institutions, societies and other).
We kindly inform you that authors submitting their articles for publication are fully responsible for the information they provide.
The electronic archives of PLS Journal will systematically be complemented with old and new issues of the Journal. The articles are published online in a .pdf format. It is necessary to install a free Adobe Reader application (available at to read the texts of the articles.
The journal is indexed in the following internet data bases: CEJSH, ERIH PLUS, ICI Journals Master List and PBN/POL-index.